COOPYFRUTAS – Cooperativa dos Fruticultores da Bacia Potiguar was founded in 2005 in order to improve the group competitive in the international fruit market. In its organizational framework, Coopyfrutas is organized as: management, business and financial board. Having as president José Heliton Severo Almeida and vice presidente Ajax Dantas de Gois Filho, and as advisors João Manuel Lopez Lima and Ivanosca Martins de Oliveira Cunha.
Our work philosophy is to prioritize by serving well our customers. Having as mission: follow the principles of ethics and morality, export excellent quality products meeting the good agricultural practices, respect the rules and the environment, be dignified with its employees and loyal to the customer’s requirements, ensuring food safety. We aim to be a national and international benchmark in quality and export, in na ethical and responsible way, committed to the principles of cooperativism.
We count on a structure of five independente farms, which four are managed by the respective grower, whose names have already been mentioned above, and one farm owned by all the growers. Totaling, thus, five Packing Houses, two cold chambers and a weather station.