

Packing House

Packing House

Coopyfrutas has a strict quality control in the whole process of production, from the selection of the fruit to its transport to the port. Our Packing Houses are equipped with modern sorting and washing Prodol brand machines, they bring more efficiency and safety in the procedures performed. Due to some melon varieties’ need for being stored in specific temperature, we have two cold chambers with storage capacity of 300 pallets in total.

Estação Meteorológica

Estação Meteorológica

Regarding to the weather station, it is located in one of the properties and there is a project with the local Federal University – UFERSA – in order to keep the farms informed of possible climate variations.

This structure is necessary for us to develop a work of controlling a total of 1500 hectares – with an increase of about 10% annually in recent years. Everything is geared to the production of fruits, both the domestic market, with Forro, and the external market, with Samba brands.

For all this process to become effective, compliance with Brazilian labor standards is necessary, besides the consumer market requirements.

We also count on international certifications, which we have implemented Global GAP, Tesco Nurture, Sedex, F2F and ETI.
